
Build a codebase GPT chatbot for any GitHub repo in 30 seconds

CodebaseChat is a powerful tool that allows you to create a GPT chatbot for any GitHub repository in just 30 seconds. It supports every major programming language and provides an easy and efficient way to interact with your codebase. Whether you’re a developer looking for quick answers or a team seeking a convenient way to communicate about your project, CodebaseChat has you covered.

The process behind CodebaseChat is straightforward and user-friendly. It starts by cloning and crawling your GitHub repository to create an indexed file. This file contains all the necessary information about your codebase, making it easy for the chatbot to retrieve and provide relevant responses. Once the file is created, you can upload it to OpenAI to generate a custom codebase GPT.

Using CodebaseChat with OpenAI Assistants Playground is a breeze. You can prompt the chatbot with information about your codebase, giving it context and allowing it to provide more accurate and helpful answers. This feature is especially useful when dealing with large amounts of data, as OpenAI GPTs and Assistants have a 20-file limit for retrieval. By uploading a single indexed file, you can make the most of their capabilities.

One of the main benefits of CodebaseChat is its versatility. It can be used without requiring a ChatGPT Plus subscription, making it accessible to a wide range of users. You can simply upload the repo file to OpenAI Assistants Playground and start asking questions using the free tier of the GPT API. This flexibility allows developers to interact with their codebase without any additional costs.

While CodebaseChat currently doesn’t support private repos, the team is working on adding this functionality in the future. If you’re interested in using CodebaseChat with your private repository, you can contact the team to be notified when this feature becomes available.

Contributing to CodebaseChat is also encouraged. The tool is open-source, and the team welcomes contributions, suggestions, and feature requests. You can find the repository to suggest changes or modifications and add feature requests to the provided link. This collaborative approach ensures that CodebaseChat continues to evolve and meet the needs of its users.

When it comes to support, the CodebaseChat team is readily available to assist you. You can contact them for feature requests or suggestions, and email support is also provided. To stay updated with the latest developments and enhancements, make sure to follow the CodebaseChat repository.

In summary, CodebaseChat is a convenient and efficient tool for creating a GPT chatbot for your GitHub repository. With its easy setup process, support for multiple programming languages, and integration with OpenAI Assistants, CodebaseChat simplifies the way you interact with your codebase. Whether you’re seeking quick answers or a seamless communication channel for your team, CodebaseChat is the ideal solution.

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