CX Genie

AI-powered chatbot for automating routine tasks and personalizing interactions

CX Genie is a customizable AI chatbot designed to transform customer interactions and elevate your business by providing exceptional customer support. It can instantly resolve up to 68% of customer messages, automate tasks, personalize responses, and gather feedback.

The top benefits of using CX Genie for online businesses are:
– Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: CX Genie’s 24/7 AI chatbots ensure seamless support, eliminating wait times and boosting satisfaction through proactive interactions and personalized recommendations.
– Reduced Customer Support Costs: Automation of routine tasks frees up your agents, while self-service chatbots handle inquiries, saving you from high costs while enabling high-quality support.
– Improved Efficiency and Productivity: Chatbots tackle a wide range of queries, while accessing real-time data, streamlining operations and enhancing decision-making.
– Increased Sales and Revenue: Proactive engagement and personalized recommendations drive sales through upsells, upgrades, and referrals, while feedback fuels your product improvements.

Key Features

‘- Auto-Learning & Human-Powered Improvement: CX Genie learns from every conversation, adapts to user behavior, and constantly improves with human feedback.
– Effective Communication, Naturally: CX Genie uses friendly interactions with emojis and natural language for engaging experiences.
– Intent Detection & Personalized Messaging: CX Genie analyzes user input, understands intent, and delivers personalized messages tailored to their individual needs and preferences.
– Easy to use workspace: Everything you need to manage your chatbot is easily accessible in one place.
– Multiple data sources: Train and smarten up your chatbot with diverse information types to ensure it provides accurate and comprehensive responses (URLs, FAQs, Articles, Documents, and more)
– Hybrid model: Blend the best of both worlds by combining AI and real human conversation for the most personalized support.
– Message flow builder: Design personalized, interactive conversation paths based on customers’ choices.
– AI recommendations: Chatbot agents learn and respond in real-time to provide a sense of being seen, heard, and understood.
– Proactive engagement: Reduce support tickets and boost conversions with AI auto reply and suggestions.
– Your favorite platforms, integrated: Easily integrate your chatbot with various platforms, including Messenger, WhatsApp, Wordpress, Shopify, Google Sheets and more.

Use Cases

CX Genie aims to make AI accessible for all businesses with just a few clicks.

CX Genie is for:
– Customer service teams
– E-commerce and retail businesses
– Marketing and sales teams
– Technology and software startups

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